Achievements! Gatter all ships!

Garage post-process update and texture of 1 spaceship. (Fight Cube).
Still have to change the color of the ship, but this was a test to get the neon feel in the ship. This can be changed easily in unity self.


This week I made 5unique low poly ships that fit the artguide and the style.
One of the ships is Textured. now I got used to the pen tool, It’s easy to texture the other ones. and I can get different pattern easily.


All of the spaceships got a hole in the ship, except for the base neolit ship. so you have to gather points to get the new, more designed ones.

5_Ships models.jpg

All modeled and unwrapped, so now it gets time to texture them!





Menu’s and Playerfeedback

So I implemented what I did last week into the game now. There seems something to be wrong though. The buttons only work if you use a controller at the moment so I need to fix that. And I still need to hook up the setting menu to actual game settings.

The garage and achievements still need to be done as well, but I didn’t do that atm as we do not have the code for those things yet.

I also made it a bit cooler, the ship now rotates and we can rotate it with the controller as well.Main_Menu_01.gif

I also when ahead and gave the player some feedback if he hits the edges: Sparks yay. Feel like the damage the player gets is too much so I might wanna tweak that a bit. Same for the particles, they might be revamped to make them more clear.


Also fixed a camera bug, if you went to the edge and still tried to go past it the camera would do what you asked and leave the ship behind, this has been solved as you can see in the gif above. Even if your ship is at the edge and you try to keep going the camera won’t follow and keep to the ship.

I also looked into adding more obstacles but got a bit bummed out when it wasn’t going as expected so you will have to look forward to that next week.

Seamless tunnel and starting on endscreen scoreboard

This week I was more invested in some other courses but I worked on making the tunnel we fly through a single mesh so we have no more seams in between the different tunnel compartments like we used to, I also started working on a Scoreboard, so I implemented some simple ui to have a username and end tally for the player. There is still some work on the tunnel and I have to look into the geometry shader for the environment, but that will be for next week. Below is an example of the generated tunnel mesh(at runtime).


Thruster Fix

Since last week we noticed that the thruster particles were all over the place, i decided to change them so that we could finally check that off the list as well.

particle thruster

They are now a lot more blocky and are much more visible than the ones before.

particle in game

I also started to make some new obstacles, mainly to force the ship to rotate and move a lot more.


Inheritance everywhere!

This week I continued working under the hood. I moved all the track scripts to appropriate managers. Those managers all inherited from a general TrackManager script which has a couple of nice functions, like range checking. With all that done, it seems like most of the managers are now set in place, which means we can start polishing, value tweaking and looking at some more features. As much as I enjoyed being a cleaning lady, I’ll be happy to work on some new stuff in the coming weeks!